January 23, 2012

Not Safe! Anniversary

So, 1 year and 8 days ago I uploaded the first episode of the Not Safe! Series: "When It came to the world". And since that day I uploaded other 10 videos.

Unfortunately, these videos did not achieved a good number of views. Considering all the work and time they took, the number of views is, actually, not even close to satisfatory. The quantity of people who return to see more videos is so low that my last video, the Christmas Special, achieved only 29 views. Considering the first episode has 477 views, it is easy to see that something is wrong. Or, most probably, it is not that something is wrong; the series just need more work and time to become a little more popular.

But I don't have any incentive nor avaliable time to focus on the series. So, the series will have a break, again.

It might come back in the future, though. I am currently working on something that will make the stickman animation community very happy. And, if everything work just fine, then the Not Safe! Series will have its return!

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